Case Study

Spiral Bound CFX Trainer™ Helps Company Grow 300% In 3 Months

The CFX Trainer guide is a step-by-step handbook that informs customers on how to use some of the most effective and efficient training tools available today. We were struck by the well-designed spiral bound book and thought the guide would be a great example for others embarking on similar projects. We spoke to the co-founder and President Doniphan Stone, who started CFX TrainerTM with Jeffrey Huling in September 2019. He explained that the guide book is a part of the CFX TrainerTM hands-free resistance trainingTM program that includes a line of resistance straps and private 30-minute training sessions on CFX Live.

“We have grown 300% in the last 3 months”

Growing a Business

During the Covid-19 Pandemic and associated lockdown restrictions, people are working out more often at home. This is one reason why demand for the CFX TrainerTM  is growing so quickly. On top of that, they have an exceptional product and understand the importance of print marketing on top of a strong website and digital marketing strategy. They wanted to provide their customers with a printed book because it provides a deeper relationship and helps with brand recognition. Even though there are courses online, they believe people still want a book in case technology fails.

“The value of printing a book allows us to go the Extra Mile.”

Designing a Spiral Bound Book

The Spiral Bound Book was designed by Doniphan and his wife, Mia, who has a background in design. They started by sketching out ideas and writing the book’s content on paper, helping them visually see and understand the printed experience. They decided to print a 5.5 x 8.5 manual book so it would be small enough to take anywhere when traveling. The spiral binding also allows the customer to lay the book flat, something that is very  important when they are trying to work out. It’s also easy to write notes in as well.

Choosing the Right Printing Company

The process of choosing a printing company came down to cost. In the past, they printed with a company that was overseas but they wanted to build a relationship with a printing company that could help them grow and be competitive in price. They found PrintingCenterUSA in a Google search and after placing their order, it has quickly become a great partnership. According to Donophan, PrintingCenterUSA’s customer service representatives were professional and helpful during the printing process.

“As we continue to grow our company we know PrintingCenterUSA will be our printer as we really appreciate an online printing company that values their customers as we value ours.”

Book Specifications: 

  • Binding: Spiral Bound Book
  • Size: 5.5 x 8.5
  • Quantity: 100
  • Pages: 48 Pages (Cover + 44 Inside)
  • Inside Ink: (4/4) Full Color Both Sides
  • Cover Ink: (4/4) Full Color Both Sides
  • Cover Paper: 12 PT. Matte Cover
  • Inside Paper: 80# Gloss Text
  • Binding: Spiral Bound (Long Edge)
  • Production Time: 4 Business Days

Spiral Bound Book Printing

Manual Printing

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