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Spiral Binding

Spiral binding is a continuous plastic loop that passes through a row of punched holes at the end of the printed piece in a spiral.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Choosing the binding type for your next book project really depends on what the product is and how you intend on using your book. While Spiral Binding isn’t one of our most popular binding types (like Saddle Stitch or Perfect Bound), it has benefits that
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How To Start A Magazine

Learn how to start a magazine with some basic groundwork. We touch on content, publishing, advertising revenue and more in this insightful article.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The magazine industry is a tough world to break into if you are not sure where to start.  In the United States alone there are thousands of magazines dedicated to multiple niches and audiences.  That means putting a plan in place before you start your
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Making a Coloring Book: How to Create a Coloring Book to Sell

Discover the process of creating and selling your own coloring book with our detailed guide on effective design and strategic marketing.

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Coloring books are a fun project for everyone involved, especially if you’re able to monetize off of it! Whether you’re looking to create a children’s coloring book or an adult coloring book, the following tips will help you end up with a top-quality
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How To Write A Children’s Book

So to help you on your journey of becoming the next Dr. Seuss, we’ve created a few tips to get you started with writing your children’s book.

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Remember all those fantastic and colorful children’s books you read as a kid?  They told stories in ways children can comprehend and relate. Writing a children’s book isn’t just about fanciful illustrations with the occasional rhyme.  It’s important
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Art Book Printing: How to Create & Self-Publish an Art Book

Learn how to create and self-publish a gallery-quality art book with our detailed tips on effective art book layout, publishing, and creative processes.

Reading Time: 5 minutes

As an artist, every detail of every project will be under high-scrutiny. When planning your Soft-Cover Art Book, there are countless factors to consider to ensure your project can hold up to critique. At PrintingCenterUSA, we provide everything you might need
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Standard Postcard Sizes

One of the biggest decisions to make when creating your postcard design is if you're going to choose one of the standard postcard sizes or a larger size.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Postcard printing can be a vital piece of your marketing strategy, so you want to make sure you get everything right the first time around. The first step before beginning your design is to decide which standard postcard size is right for you and your
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Digital Printing vs. Offset Printing

What type of press will your project be printed on? Learn the benefits, considerations, and differences between digital printing and offset printing.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Something that most people don’t consider when planning their print project is what type of press it will be printed on. The two types of presses that are most commonly used for commercial printing are a Digital Press or an Offset Press. Print shops across
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How to Convert RGB to CMYK

Learn how to convert your files from RGB to CMYK for your favorite design program.

Reading Time: 5 minutes

PrintingCenterUSA requires Print-Ready PDFs from customers for print projects. One of the most important qualities a Print-Ready PDF has is that it is in the CMYK color mode. With that being said, one of our most frequently asked questions is: How do I
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Conference, Convention and Trade Show Event Printing

When attending a conference or trade show it's important your team is prepared to shine with high-quality print products.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

A printed book or booklet is a successful and affordable way to reach your audience. Many businesses, organizations, event marketers and tourist industry professionals rely on such products to educate and grow awareness of their brand.  When attending a
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